Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS.

80 days before Christmas.

I love the feeling of the cool breeze kissing my face. Every time I open the front door, it embraces me with a welcoming feeling.


My dad said he's coming over to visit on November. And my sister is coming on December. I'm so excited (:


This is bad. I'm gaining weight, and losing discipline with my eating. This is major bad news.


It would've been fun to be able to blog everyday. But due to the numerous blogs that I have, plus my disorganized list of priorities, I am unable to do anything. Add it with a little procrastinating. @_@ I know that I can fit everything in 24hours, but for some odd reason, I just put a lot of things off.


Updates! Updates!

I sent my transfer from AL to HC on some late September date, and I still haven't heard anything from the DoN. I wonder if I'll even get in?

I was actually looking forward to it. Regardless of the gossips and the rumors going around, I want to start working at HC.

It hurts to know that one of my co-workers at AL is sort-of pulling me down with her. Not that she's all the way down, but I told her that I want to transfer because I will learn more at HC than at AL passing medications. She kept telling me that I will never learn anything at HC and that it's hard work.

Uh, what's more hard work than working at KH during the day? I think it's slavery right there in your face. That's why sometimes, I hate working there. Define labor. @_@ To top it all off, I think it's uncompensated employees defined, too.

I want to work at the HC because patients there are physically unable to care for themselves. I think I'm done with people who are mentally and psychologically out of state. And I believe that I will learn more if I work there.

She, on the other hand, kept telling me that I will not learn anything at the HC. That's complete BS, I believe. In KH, we do all the patient care, and I learned a lot. In AL, I learned how to pass medications. And got familiar with different medications (which are mostly vitamins, supplements, bp meds and sleeping pills).

I know I can do more, and I have more to learn. I don't want to miss out on opportunities to improve myself. So no matter what she says, she will be talking to my hand for the rest of the night.