Saturday, May 10, 2008

Need cash?

I was on my way to Eastwood City one sunny noon of April 23, 2008. Since the place is only a kilometer (or less) away from home, I rode a tricycle. The wind was blowing hard on my face, and it was messing my hair - and it was everywhere! When I faced the "dashboard" of the tricycle, this sticker caught my attention.

Haha. If you're calling from outside the Philippines, don't forget the zeros, country code, and Manila area code!

Call now!

Oh so cool headphones!

My aunt went home for a short visit back here in our country. She stayed here for 10days (but she didn't sleep in the house). While we were staying with her at her friend's house, my sister and I found two headphones lying around the room...

It is a Bose QuietComfort 3 Acoustic Noise Cancelling headphones. I think it's their latest. I tried it on and I can barely hear anything from outsite! It has a switch at the side - so that if your headphones are attached to an iPod, or disc man, or any mp3 player, you can choose to listen or to turn it off.

This is AOK to use when you're commuting, or riding a plane, or in a noisy environment. It's not that big - measures 7 3/8" x 5 1/4" and weighs a mere 5.6 oz. (with cable) [from here]

I asked my aunt if she could give it to me. She just told me "Oh, we are using that in the office, if the patient doesn't want to hear the drill." She's a dental assistant.

We went to a mall to see a movie. I saw a Bose store and I saw the headphones on display! It was so so pretty. I asked the guy how much for the headphones. "P24,900.00 ma'am. You can try it." And then I was like, "Uh, ok.. Thank you!"

Talk about expensive headphones!!!