Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jeep : Go Jeep!

On my way home the other day, I took a jeepney, just to be safe (because they say it's safer to ride a jeepney than ride the FX). As a typical jeepney, they have this banging loud sound, mostly remixes of songs (good and bad music) with extra volume on the bass - very annoying often times (in my opinion); speakers banging under your butts, so loud you feel bouncy; and makes you feel DEAF the moment you get off the ride. The jeep also has the "Pull the string 2 stop" sign; the colorful dim lights; and the barker/sort-of cashier by the jeep entrance.

The ride was pretty empty, sat at the end of the jeepney (farthest from the driver, right next to the exit).

"Patok" drivers
They steer the wheel left and right, just to make the ride a little too exciting. Some passengers enjoy this. It keeps them awake. Or some like it because of the thrill, the speed probably the wind brushing their faces and blowing hard on their hair, drying their sweat from a long days struggle. But not everyone likes the idea.

I was seated at the right side of the jeepney, and the lady in front of me yelled at the driver.

"Ano ba yan, pakiayos nga yung pagmamaneho niyo manong! Nakakamatay na yung ginagawa niyo eh!" ("Please drive properly. You could've killed us with the way you drive!"... or something like that)

Most jeepney drivers are careless. They step on the gas and let their wheels jet into the road, neglecting the passengers. There was even a time where a kid, sitting on his mommy's lap, fell into the middle of the jeepney, because the driver was racing with the other jeeps to pick up passengers. The mother got mad at the driver, and she said she wouldn't pay for the fare, because if something happened to her kid, refund of the fare wouldn't compensate for the damage.

Regarding the number of passengers inside the jeep
Barkers - these are the people who yell the jeep's destination to get passengers. The driver tells the barkers how many passengers the jeep can accommodate. If the driver tells the barker "Waluhan yan." ("8 passengers on each side"), they will really try to fit 8 passengers on each side of the jeep - even if it cost having the last passenger sit with half of his butt.

This crowding is sometimes the cause of robbery inside the jeepney. Because the passengers are too close, the couldn't feel hands slipping in their pockets, and seatmates slashing their bags. When they get off the jeep, they'd be surprise to find their pockets empty, and their bags with an extra hole.

Jeepney law suggestions
  • Hmm, maybe a special law for jeepney drivers to drive safely? If a passenger fall off the jeep and dies? Or be hit by the next vehicle? What will the driver do? Drivers should not be concerned with the "boundary" money they're making. They should also be aware of the passengers' safety. Remember: The passengers are the driver's customers.
  • I also think that the MMDA or the traffic enforcers or whoever is responsible for the traffic and road rules should be strict when it comes to passengers who, just like the guy in the photo at the left, decide to ride outside the jeep. It is very dangerous, especially when the driver decides to drive roughly, race with other jeeps to take more passengers, and starts to play with the steering wheel. I understand that most passengers who do this are in a hurry to get to work, but if something goes wrong, they will never get to work.
  • Some jeepney drivers do not return the right change. Students should get 20% discount, but some drivers don't give back exact changes. Regardless the age or status, most drivers consider their fare as ordinary passengers. What should the authorized people do about this?

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