Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No Arms No Legs No Worries

I came across a video on YouTube that made me cry. :'(

Meet Nick Vujicic, pronounced 'Vooy-cheech'. Born in 1982 in Brisbane, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic came into the world with neither arms nor legs. Imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first-born brand new baby boy for the first time, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal.

More here.

I was inspired with the video that I actually cried. And then I looked at myself.

I remembered myself at one point in time that I was about to give up; that I told myself "I have no more tomorrow. Shit happens, but why does it always fall on me?"

He give life changing words, daily pieces of inspiration. I wished I would've seen this video sooner.

Thank you, Lord, for loving me. I am so sorry for all the things I've done wrong. Please forgive me. Dear God, come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I may be the person you want me to be. ♥

Kudos, NICK!


Last week, as I was clocking out from work, I checked the list of open slots in different departments for hiring (like I always do). I would joke to my colleagues "Maybe I'll do better in the dietary department. I'll wash the dishes. Less responsibilities."

There was a long list at the bottom of the paper. 4 openings at the Health Care Center.

I thought to myself - why not?

After consulting resources about the opportunity, the pros outweighed the cons. As much as I don't want to leave my comfort zone, I realized that it's about time that I set changes and take the next step.

I've been procrastinating for the past 3years, and it's about time that I walk away from gravity.

One of my colleagues said "Don't miss out on this, or you will regret it."

I sat down in front of my computer for 2hours yesterday morning trying to figure out how I can start my transfer request do the other department. My fingers lay still on the keyboard, as I think about the words to fill in my blank page. I have the request to transfer form filled out with my name, current department, date and signature. But I haven't filled in the space for "Qualifications".

I began to doubt myself. Maybe I am not suitable for the position. Maybe I am not experienced enough.

I scribbled qualifications on the notepad, and started re-doing my resume.

Then, I began typing in my letter.

Dear Director of Nursing,

After signing my name at the bottom of the page, I started my letter to my boss.

Dear Director of ALSCR,

My heart was pounding as I held the printed pages on my hand.

At 3:20pm, I walked to my boss's office. She wasn't there. I left the letter with the Request to Transfer form in her box and walked away.

I realized that I forgot to sign the paper. *doh* That was stupid. @_@

A couple of hours later, my supervisor whispered to me. "Laura wants to talk to you."

I started to have butterflies in my tummy (but not in a good way) as I walk to her office.

She was on the phone.

I left, and came back 30minutes later. Still on the phone. @_@

Why does she have to make this hard for me??? I asked my co-worker.

You'll be alright. Don't worry about it. He said, with a little pat.

I walked to her office again, and she was finally available. Uh-oh.

She invited me in, and held the paper up.

What if I said no? She said, smiling.

I frowned.

Have you talked to the people at the Health Center yet?

Yes. But I heard the DoN is still on vacation.

She is out for 2 weeks, yes.

I don't even know how this process goes, so I wrote a letter to you, and wrote her a letter, too. I even printed out a copy of my resume. It's updated.

Well, I want you to improve your skills, but I don't want you to go. If this is what's best for you, I will sign the paper and you can hand it tomorrow to HR. They'll take care of it. I just wish you didn't have to go. You worked really hard here. And I'll be sad to let you go.

She handed me the signed paper.

Thank you so much.

I walked to the office and laid my paper on the counter by my purse. I noticed that by her signature was a little note.

This made me smile. But a little sad, too. Oh well, caramel.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


A vampire placed a pretty single stem sunflower outside the balcony door of the glass-built penthouse where the mass was held one gloomy afternoon.

With an evil smirk on her face, she mouthed "You're going to die.". She grabbed a bouquet of pretty purple flowers, walked into the glass balcony door, and to the friend sitting to my right.

"You're going to die, too."

And then she flew away.

My friend and I looked at each other, our hearts pounding almost right out of our chests.

She held my hand tight. "We're not going to die."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cheesecake Factory


Voted as the favorite chain. (Click here for details)

We only have a couple of them down at San Diego. And they're not close. One is at Chula Vista (2015 Birch Rd Ste 705). The other is at Fashion Valley (7067 Friars Rd) .

I remember coming there one night after work - LOL so many people. I went in, and the line to be seated extends until outside. But they have great food, good (so-so) customer service, and awesome cheesecakes.

Anyone wants to go with me? :3