Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Last week, as I was clocking out from work, I checked the list of open slots in different departments for hiring (like I always do). I would joke to my colleagues "Maybe I'll do better in the dietary department. I'll wash the dishes. Less responsibilities."

There was a long list at the bottom of the paper. 4 openings at the Health Care Center.

I thought to myself - why not?

After consulting resources about the opportunity, the pros outweighed the cons. As much as I don't want to leave my comfort zone, I realized that it's about time that I set changes and take the next step.

I've been procrastinating for the past 3years, and it's about time that I walk away from gravity.

One of my colleagues said "Don't miss out on this, or you will regret it."

I sat down in front of my computer for 2hours yesterday morning trying to figure out how I can start my transfer request do the other department. My fingers lay still on the keyboard, as I think about the words to fill in my blank page. I have the request to transfer form filled out with my name, current department, date and signature. But I haven't filled in the space for "Qualifications".

I began to doubt myself. Maybe I am not suitable for the position. Maybe I am not experienced enough.

I scribbled qualifications on the notepad, and started re-doing my resume.

Then, I began typing in my letter.

Dear Director of Nursing,

After signing my name at the bottom of the page, I started my letter to my boss.

Dear Director of ALSCR,

My heart was pounding as I held the printed pages on my hand.

At 3:20pm, I walked to my boss's office. She wasn't there. I left the letter with the Request to Transfer form in her box and walked away.

I realized that I forgot to sign the paper. *doh* That was stupid. @_@

A couple of hours later, my supervisor whispered to me. "Laura wants to talk to you."

I started to have butterflies in my tummy (but not in a good way) as I walk to her office.

She was on the phone.

I left, and came back 30minutes later. Still on the phone. @_@

Why does she have to make this hard for me??? I asked my co-worker.

You'll be alright. Don't worry about it. He said, with a little pat.

I walked to her office again, and she was finally available. Uh-oh.

She invited me in, and held the paper up.

What if I said no? She said, smiling.

I frowned.

Have you talked to the people at the Health Center yet?

Yes. But I heard the DoN is still on vacation.

She is out for 2 weeks, yes.

I don't even know how this process goes, so I wrote a letter to you, and wrote her a letter, too. I even printed out a copy of my resume. It's updated.

Well, I want you to improve your skills, but I don't want you to go. If this is what's best for you, I will sign the paper and you can hand it tomorrow to HR. They'll take care of it. I just wish you didn't have to go. You worked really hard here. And I'll be sad to let you go.

She handed me the signed paper.

Thank you so much.

I walked to the office and laid my paper on the counter by my purse. I noticed that by her signature was a little note.

This made me smile. But a little sad, too. Oh well, caramel.

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