Monday, June 13, 2011

Long lost family?

So a few weeks ago, I received a call from my dad. He told me about these godparents who were looking for me.

Once, twice, thrice they called at home looking for me. My dad said they were from Vegas, and my godfather is one of his buddies from work.

They couldn't catch me at home, because I'm always at work.

My grandfather wouldn't stop bugging me to return their call. When they called, I guess he talked with them for half an hour - and my grandfather would instantly "fall in like" with people who he gets a pretty long conversation with.

One afternoon, I decided hey, why not give them a call?

I dialed the number, introduced myself, and TADAA it's them on the other line.

A few hellos and "how are you?" exchanges were made. And then...

"Kay, do you have a life insurance?"

Life insurances, I believe, is necessary. There are different kinds of life insurance. Metlife, Financial One, Geico, Farmers, etc.

I have no idea how to talk to them now. Yeah, of course they give me life insurance rates and so on, deals and what not. But, seriously?

Call me to sell insurance? Wow. Unbelievable.

I received a couple of calls from them already. Selling me more insurance, I guess. I already told them from our last conversation that I already have a life insurance, and they still want to sell me their insurance. They said they'll drive up from Las Vegas to San Diego so they could talk about this with my aunts and I personally.

Personally, I've nothing against it.

It's just that awkward moment when you want to catch up with long lost godparents whose good friends with your parents and they end up selling life insurance to you after asking how you've been.


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