Thursday, July 30, 2009

Little Musical Dream.

February of 2009, Valentines day. I found myself walking around Pico Blvd taking myself out on a date.

There was a nearby Guitar Center where my cousin lives, so I decided to let my feet drag me there and look at what I can't buy.

I entered heaven with hopes of finding a good item, and I came up with a whole bunch of options. Guitar Center is like the best place to be. Well, next to Barnes and Noble. (I'm still arguing between the two.)

They have this room with the most expensive guitars my hand could lay its flesh on. Most of which are behind glass doors, so it's only my eyes that could lay its senses on. I loved that room, and I grabbed the guitar closest to me. There is a small stool in the middle of the wooden, secluded, air-tight, soundproof room. I strummed a few notes and knew that I was the only one who could hear it. I ended up playing a whole song and singing and humming to myself. That place was dreamy!

I stood up when I notice a couple of people looking in through the glass door. Carefully, I placed the 4-digit guitar on its stand and left the room.

I was on my way out of the abode when I laid my eyes on this specific instrument. It's an Ovation iDea acoustic-electric guitar. It looks exactly my my guitar back home, except it's a little bit more special - by a couple of hundred percent. I held the masterpiece in my hand and touched its curves. Then, I walked to one of the amplifiers where you can test it and tried to play something.

The reason why I liked this piece is because of it's built-in recorder. I write songs and sing them (to myself), so I thought that maybe that special feature would come in handy.

For a $599 guitar (plus tax), I am in a battle of saving up to buy it, or just buy myself a better, simpler beginner set for a lower price. Guitar center is having a sale, and I found this awesome deal. A beginner package.

I've been playing the guitar since I was 9 years old - but it's been an on and off, up and down status. Music has been one of my greatest interest, and maybe one day, I'll find myself savoring the curves of my new baby. =) Wish me luck!

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